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VSGA Executive Director Jamie Conkling to retire at end of 2018

January 13, 2018

MIDLOTHIAN — Jamie Conkling, Executive Director of the Virginia State Golf Association since 2006, has announced he is retiring from the position, effective Dec. 31, 2018.

The VSGA Board of Directors will conduct a national search for Conkling’s replacement, beginning on Jan. 16. The deadline for applications is Feb. 28. After prospective candidates are identified, the interview process will begin. A new Executive Director-designate is expected to be identified by mid-summer and in place by Oct. 1, 2018.

“The VSGA has been a wonderful place to hang my hat for what will be 13 years,” Conkling said. “I am most proud of the staff that has been developed, and I think this is the right time to pass the torch to the next leader. I want to thank the Board of Directors for its support and the staff for all they have done during my tenure. I hope that when I leave the association on Dec. 31, I will have left the VSGA better than I found it.”

Conkling began his tenure in February 2006 after a seven-year stint as a tournament official for the PGA Tour. Conkling’s career in golf administration began in 1991 at the Metropolitan Golf Association in New York.

Later in 1991, he relocated to Southern California to assume duties as assistant director of rules and competitions for the Southern California Golf Association, and in 1993, he was promoted to the role of the SCGA’s director of rules and competitions. He remained at the SCGA until 1999, when he left to work for the PGA Tour as a tournament official

“Jamie Conkling has served the VSGA exceptionally well during his tenure and will leave our association among the most highly regarded in the nation,” VSGA president Bruce Matson said. “Part of our national regard stems from Jamie’s stature and influence with the USGA and other regional organizations. We also count among his achievements his excellent financial stewardship; guidance with creating various membership options, including eClubs and the Junior Golf Circuit; an expanded events schedule for men, women and juniors; his outreach to clubs and golfers throughout the state; and his development of a peerless staff.

“We are grateful for Jamie’s many contributions and his willingness to help us achieve a seamless transition to a new ED.”

The Executive Director is responsible for leading the VSGA’s professional staff as well as working with the association’s board, volunteers and membership, which includes more than 300 member clubs and 72,000 individual golfers in the Commonwealth.