Rules of Golf

The USGA and The R&A unveiled a new Rules of Golf on January 1, 2019. Through the modernization process, the Rules have been made easier to understand and apply. A regular update to the Rules of Golf went into effect on January 1, 2023 with the governing bodies putting an emphasis on both inclusion and sustainability. Several penalties have been relaxed and language has been clarified to help golfers at all levels of play.

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2025 Rules of Golf Webinar Series

Join the VSGA in our Rules of Golf virtual webinars! Every Wednesday for three weeks we will focus on different rules topics, each lasting about an hour. Our goal is to provide VSGA members with an introductory explanation of the following topics:

Week 1 (February 12) - Intro & Resources, Forms of Play, Parts of the Course, Play the Course as you Find It  Watch the webinar  |  View the slide deck

Week 2 (February 19) - Finding & Identifying Ball, Playing the Ball as it Lies, Ball in Motion Deflected, Ball Handling Watch the webinar | View the slide deck

Week 3 (February 26) - Free Relief & Penalty Relief Rules Watch the webinar | View the slide deck