Woodberry Forest Golf Club

468 Woodberry Station, Woodberry Forest, VA 22989

About the Club

A 9-hole, Donald Ross designed, private golf course on the campus of Woodberry Forest School.

Club CategoryPrivate

Club RegionCentral Virginia

Number of Holes9

Year Founded1889

Architect(s)Donald Ross

Course Ratings

Effective Rating Date: January 1, 2019
Tee Gender Yards Par C.R.™ SLOPE®
Blue/Blue M 5942 70 69.8 121
Blue/White M 5802 70 69.2 119
White/White M 5662 70 68.6 117
Gold/Gold M 5024 70 65.6 110
Gold/Gold W 5024 70 69.6 119
Red/Red W 4966 70 69.4 118
All Tees
Effective Rating Date: January 1, 2019
Tee Gender Yards Par C.R.™ SLOPE®
Blue/Blue M 5942 70 69.8 121
Blue/White M 5802 70 69.2 119
White/White M 5662 70 68.6 117
Gold/Gold M 5024 70 65.6 110
Gold/Gold W 5024 70 69.6 119
Red/Red W 4966 70 69.4 118