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VSGA Rules Quiz winner announced

Written by VsG@0r6@DmiN-D3V | Nov 2, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Thank you to the 433 individuals who took the Virginia Golfer Rules of Golf quiz.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Manor Golf & Country Club member Raymond DeFrank, one of 11 members who scored 10 out of 10 on the quiz on the first try. Through a random draw, DeFrank was selected as the recipient of a VSGA golf bag.

Along with DeFrank, these individuals scored a perfect 10 out of 10 on the first try:

  • Nicholas Taliaferro
  • Jeff Evans
  • Harrison Braxton
  • Robert Kelly
  • Phillip Winslow Jr.
  • David Pratt
  • Nathaniel Pratt
  • Jerry Wasserman
  • Steve McKim
  • Dave Hampton

The full quiz with answers can be found below. Thanks to all who participated!

  1. A player may remove loose impediments from the area in which they are dropping a ball when taking relief from a cart path.
    A. True
    B. False

Answer:     A          Decision 23-1/6

2. A player walks up to his ball on the putting green and accidentally drops his ball-marker from three feet above the ball.  The marker hits the ball and moves the ball slightly.  The player then holes the ball from its new location.  There are no Local Rules in effect.  How many penalty strokes, if any, does the player incur?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Answer:     C         Rule 18-2; Decision 20-1/15

3. From the putting green, a player knocks his three foot putt from above the hole 30 feet past the hole and off the putting green.  Which of the following is NOT an option?
A. Place a ball on the spot where he last played from (three feet from the hole), under penalty of one stroke.
B. Drop a ball five yards behind where the ball lay, in a bunker, keeping that point in line with the hole, under penalty of one stroke.
C. Drop a ball on the putting green, two club lengths from where the ball came to rest, no closer to the hole, but below the hole, under penalty of one stroke.
D. Place a ball on the putting green, two club lengths from the original spot, no closer to the hole, under penalty of one stroke.

Answer:     D         Rule 28; Rule 20-5

4. Which of the following statements is true with respect to a ball-marker?
A. It is a breach of the Rules to mark the position of the ball with your putter.
B. A tee being used as a ball-marker is not equipment.
C. A ball-marker must be placed immediately behind the ball.
D. There is a penalty of one stroke for moving your ball-marker by pressing down on it with your putter.

Answer:     B          Definition of Equipment; Decision 20-1/16; Decision 20-1/19; Decision 20-1/6

5. With the Local Rule allowing distance-measuring devices in effect, a player begins a round with a distance-measuring device which has a feature that allows it to measure slope.  This feature is turned off, however the device also measures temperature.  The player uses the device for approach shots on the first and second holes.  How many penalty strokes, if any, does the player incur?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. The player is disqualified.

Answer:     A          Decision 14-3/0.5; Appendix IV (5)

6. In which of the following situations does the player incur a penalty under Rule 11 (Teeing Ground)?
A. The player pulls up some grass growing behind the ball on the teeing ground.
B. The player knocks the ball off the tee when taking a practice swing.
C. In match play, the player tees off in front of the teeing ground.
D. In stroke play, the player tees off from the white tees, which are three club-lengths behind the tees she is supposed to be playing.

Answer:     D         Definition of Teeing Ground; Rule 11-4

7. A leaf is lying on top of a player’s ball through the green.  The player lifts her ball to identify it, following the proper procedure, and as a result the leaf moves and comes to rest several feet away.  The player replaces the ball, but not the leaf, and makes a stroke at the ball.  How many penalty strokes, if any, does the player incur?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Answer:     A          Decision 23-1/7.5

8. In a match between Player A and Player B, after A makes his 2nd stroke, his ball comes to rest in a water hazard in front of the putting green.  Player B then lays up short of the hazard with his second shot, farther from the hole than where Player A’s ball lies in the water hazard.  It is Player B’s turn to play next:
A. If player A chooses to play his ball as it lies in the water hazard.
B. If Player A chooses to drop a ball under Rule 26-1b, keeping the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard between the hole and the spot where the ball is dropped, and this spot is nearer the hole than where Player B’s ball lies.
C. If Player A chooses to proceed under Rule 26-1a (stroke and distance).
D. No matter how Player A chooses to proceed in playing his next stroke.

Answer:     D         Rule 10-1b

9. In a match between Player A and Player B, in which of the following situations is a player penalized for causing Player A’s ball to move?
A. When Player A’s caddie marks and lifts the ball on the putting green with authorization from the player.
B. Player A searches for his ball in a bunker and moves his ball as he is moving sand to find the ball.
C. Player B helps search for A’s ball in the rough, stepping on it and causing it to move.
D. Player B’s caddie runs over and moves A’s ball in the fairway in a golf cart shared by both players as he drove to help Player B.

Answer:     D         Definition of Equipment; Rule 18-3b

10. In a match between Player A and Player B on the par 3 seventh hole, A, who has the honor, makes a hole-in-one.  He then tells his opponent, B, the shot played 140 yards and he used a nine-iron.  B then makes a stroke from the teeing ground and the ball sails over the putting green.  Player B picks up his ball and heads to the next teeing ground, but before either player makes a stroke from the eighth teeing ground, B makes a valid claim.  What is the ruling?
A. Player A wins the seventh hole.
B. Player B wins the seventh hole.
C. The hole is halved.
D. Both players are disqualified.

Answer:     C         Decision 2-2/1